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Infusion Therapy for Weight Loss

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Infusion Therapy for
Weight Loss

Infusion therapy has been used as a treatment for a number of ailments, boosting the health and wellness of many people.

The treatment involves the administration of medication through a needle. It’s considered to be a more effective treatment than oral medication, since it administers the medication into the bloodstream of the patient.

We employ infusion therapy for a wide variety of conditions, including weight loss. Due to the intravenous or subcutaneous injection of essential nutrients, you’ll experience a boost in your metabolism and an accelerated fat burning process.

Memorial Home Healthcare’s unique blend of minerals, vitamins, and lipotropics holistically improve your body’s functioning.

By providing your body with vital vitamins and hydrating fluids, our weight loss infusion therapy helps you burn fat.

Our at-home infusion therapy enables you to restore your energy levels, elevating your physical performance and facilitating the breakdown of fat more efficiently.

Our experts personalize your treatment depending on your body’s needs. With each specialized treatment, we aim to help you achieve your goals in the healthiest, safest way possible. By taking care of the health of your adrenal gland—which plays an important role in controlling your metabolism—we help you burn more calories without adrenal fatigue.

We understand the struggles involved in losing weight. That’s why we’re invested in helping you avoid unhealthy alternatives; our safe, effective treatments lead to a long-term weight loss journey. Paired with a nutritious diet and regular exercise, infusion therapy will target stubborn fatty deposits that won’t budge.

To assist your body on its weight loss journey, our infusion therapy includes:

  • Methionine—burns excess fat for additional energy
  • Inositol—controls your appetite and reduces blood cholesterol
  • Choline—promotes the breakdown of fat throughout the body
  • Vitamin B-Complex—revitalizes your body and aids the metabolic system
  • IV Fluids—rehydrates the body and restores fluids

Enjoy the benefits of infusion therapy—whether you visit our clinic or avail our in-home services. Schedule an appointment with our specialists by calling at (281)206-7806 today.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment